Monday, May 5, 2008

A new rock!

Andrew is the best husband ever. For our 2 year anniversary, he got me a brand new gem to add to my collection. It's about 2mm across and it's his kidney stone. No pictures will be posted as I do not have the stomach for that. We began our anniversary eve in the ER at 6:00 this morning. Fun fun. I'm wiped out. I'll explain later, I just wanted this memorable event to be dated as 5/5/08 on the bloggy.

G'night! (Yes, I am going to bed before 9pm, it's been that kind of day for us.)

PS, for real, we did buy 2 new trees for our yard, those are photo worthy. I'll post pics when they're delivered later this week. That's the real anniversary gift this year. : )

1 comment:

Heather said...

Seems like my messages are all to your hubby - glad your stone's gone! Happy 2nd (and one monthish) anniversary - I cannot believe my little babies have been married that long :) Your wedding seems like yesterday!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!