Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Animal Precinct: Grove City

Raven and I like to watch Animal Precinct on Animal Planet. We scold the bad pet owners and give a telepathecal hug to the pets in distress. She gets really excited when she sees another big black dog. Anyway...

Around 5:30 this evening, I came home, parked in the driveway and started unloading my new glass kitchen canisters (LOL Missy!). A woman walking by asked me if my dogs were out. My head spun around for 3 seconds and then I saw an 80lb rottwieller barrling towards me. No. My dogs are accounted for, and they don't look like that (The other one was a shelti/collie/something or other mix.) The 2 dogs had no collars and they made a beeline for a front porch on the next street. It's tough being an animal lover, I went to the house ready to knock on the front door thinking that the dogs were home and wanted to be let in. Bad idea. Horrible idea. The shelti mix lunged at me and I let out a firm "NO!" and turned my back. I took a step into the street and saw the woman who had asked me about the dogs. Good. If I get attacked, I'll have a witness and someone to call 911. I walked to her and we talked about the dogs and how mad we were at the owners for not using proper ID and following the leash laws. After 30 minutes of chatting, I cut across a muddy vacant lot and came home, on my way I saw the shelti again. This time she was wearing a collar and a 12 or 13 year old girl was walking her. I asked if that was her dog because I had just seen her running around in the street dashing infront of cars Ooooh I was so mad. I hope I scared the poor kid. She did claim ownership and she never once made eye contact with me, despite being a good 50 feet away form me. I continued on home, Raven was barking her head off as she was long overdue for a bathroom break. I took her out and down the street I could see a big white van with flashing yellow lights. I saw that it was animal control and waved them over to tell them what I knew, I figured they must be looking for the 2 dogs running around. I was right, and we chatted. Raven licked the driver and I promised to call if I saw them again.

Good Grief! My neighborhood is crawling with not-so-smart people!


ChrisandMissy said...

Where did you find the canisters? LNT? Take a picture. They will be so pretty against that olive color. Fun fun.
The wild dogs...eish. Not fun. What if there were little kids playing outside? Way to be a good citizen.

RooManda said...

I found them at Target. They had a 2 gallon, 1 gallon and half gallon size. I got 3 of the gallons and 2 half gallons. Will post a pic when I fill 'em up. They're in the DW right now. They look just like yours, and that was what I wanted, nothing to crazy, plus they were cheap : )

As for the dogs: Franklin County Animal Control is now on speed dial.