Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My art.

So if you read/ talk to me at all, you may know how I have this thing in my head that I want to put on Progress was made in my office over the last 2 days and now I have room to mess it all up again and start a new project.
brushes- check
palette- check
watercolor paper and canvas- checkity check
The Master Plan- check
watercolors and acrylics (duh!)- check
palette knives- check
courage to 'destroy' a beautiful plain white canvas- lacking

I always get scared when I begin a new piece of art. I feel like I have one shot, and if it doesn't turn out like I'd hoped, than I feel like I've failed.


I guess I should sketch it out like I did in high's not like this is for a grade and I have a deadline. YIKES!

I'll post pics of the finished product, maybe even some 'during' pics before it's done. Oh, but that's such an artist's faux pas! ;D


d said...

Hm...well, if you don't like the finished product, do like the 'masters' did and just paint over it! Then when you are famous one day, they will be all excited to find layered paintings.. :)

Joes_Wife! said...

and there's thiss wonderful product called Gesso(sp?)that you put on canvas to make it 'clean' again! can't wait to see the finished product