Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Bill Cosby is right: Kids do say the darndest things.

Tonight I got to have a rare chat with our new neighbor. We were sitting in the grass between our houses and I was holding her 5 month old. Her oldest (3 years) noticed the baby was slobbering on my hand and she said "She thinks your hand is a juicy hotdog!"
It was so random and perfect at the same time. Something I'll have to remind the 3 year old of when she's heading out the door on her first date.
Then the middle daughter started petting my back. She had been petting Raven earlier and I guess she forgot that 1) Raven is a dog. And 2) I am not a dog.
Somewhere in the middle of all this we managed to play 3 rounds of Follow-the-Leader and we watched the horses on the farm behind our house. It was just a nice summer evening, the way I remember them as a child...only this time, I'm the adult!


d said...

Ah,how I miss summer....

ChrisandMissy said...

That's cute. Your post brought back memories of staying outside later than bedtime because it's still light outside and your parents are talking with eachother...