Saturday, February 21, 2009

Rissa's Birthday Dinner

Bree and I drove to Wooster tonight and had dinner with our big sister. After one round of drinks, we were laughing loud enough to make our dining neighbors give us the evil eye.
So, as is the case at every family meal, we started remembering stupid things we've said over the years. Some of the best are "Where's my straw?", "You just took a sip of my own coke!", "Point to me where I am." and "Please take off your feet!"

I happen to think some of the zingers would make great book titles... Mine would be called "Rabbit Season, Duck Season: Perpetual disagreements for the average couple"

What would yours be?
If this makes no sense, kindly ignore it. If you want to participate, leave a comment with your imaginary book title.

Just for inspiration, my Mom's would be "Where's My Straw?" because that's what she said as she stared into her glass of water, peering right down her drinking straw. Everyone else at the table could see it except her. Guess you had to be there? Yeah.

Next week's topic: What would you name your sandwich?

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