Needy Sweetie likes things neat and tidy. This poor cat can't see her paw infront of her whiskers, yet she'll ball up a blanket to rest on. She's rarely feeling photogenic, so I was happy she let me take this photo.
A couple weeks ago my neighbor girls came over from next door. They love to help in the garden and they think watering flowers and plants is bunches of fun! Note: Do not give a hose to a 3 year old. She will soak you. Andrew and I have become good friends with the parents of these two girls and we made an evening ritual out of filling the bird feeder between our two houses. The girls help us fill it, and then they take turns hanging it back on the hook. It's ok, you can say it now. Awwww.
We've been enjoying our firepit pretty regularly this summer. Neighbors come down and chat for a while. I finally figured out how to get all the s'mores supplies down the backyard hill with minimal trash. This system beats my "tray propped on the edge of the wheelbarrow". Oops. We had some sacrificial s'mores, but we learned from my mistake.
And finally, Andrew and I were making our evening rounds one night- turning off lights, locking doors, etc... I looked up from the foyer and saw these two lovebirds. Perhaps a feline version of Romeo and Juliet was about to take place?
PS- see that painting on the wall behind the railing? Yeah. I did that.
I have a pic of buster JUST like that :) -Katie
when are you going to have a 4 year old so dad can really be grandpa miller? - bsus
Bsus (my loving sister), I cannot imagine giving birth to a 4 year old.
Just wait, Dad will be a Grandpa someday.
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